ICC Suspends Zimbabwe Membership


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ICC Suspends Zimbabwe Membership

Selasa, 17 September 2019

Controversy over Zimbabwe's cricket and its political background for quite some time It was said that there was political interference in running the country's cricket board.
So finally it became so true. Zimbabwe's membership has been postponed by the International Cricket Council (ICC).
The decision was made at the ICC's annual meeting in London recently.
The membership of the test is suspended in the meeting unanimously.

ICC Suspends Zimbabwe Membership
ICC Suspends Zimbabwe Membership

The ICC said the Zimbabwe Cricket Board failed to make a fair and democratic and political interference-free election.

The International Cricket Council has canceled all financial assistance from Zimbabwe Cricket Board.

Besides, Zimbabwe will not be able to participate in any ICC event. Zimbabwe has to face risks for the upcoming T20 World Cup.
Zimbabwe Cricket team
Zimbabwe Cricket team

ICC chairman Shashanka Manohar said, "We are not taking the light on the expulsion of Zimbabwe. We want to keep our game free from political interference.
What happened on the Zimbabwe Cricket Board is a breach of ICC constitution. We can not approve of it.

Shashanka Manohar said, "If we follow the ICC constitution, we will be able to bring Zimbabwe back again."
Zimbabwe National Cricket team

Zimbabwe National Cricket team

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