The signs that the headphones will understand the functioning of the brain.
The signs that the headphones will understand the functioning of the brain. |
Direct contact of the brain with the ear. Electromagnetic waves caused by headphones can pose a serious danger to the brain. Occasionally, ear-to-ear noise and headaches can be extremely damaging to the brain.
Many people experience ear pain for excessive headphones. When using headphones, the audio goes straight to the ear. If there is too much noise directly in the ear, hearing problems can occur.
listening to music in high volume damaging to the brain. |
Sharing earphones with someone can easily lead to ear infections. Bacteria can easily pass through your headphones to your ears from someone else's ear.
Most headphones are air-tight. As a result, the headphones can not enter the air using the headphones. The result is a risk.
According to one study, listening to music in high volume for a long time does not sound good even after opening the headphones.
Electromagnetic waves damaging to the brain |
Listening to the music for 15 minutes or more than 100 decibels is likely to make you deaf.
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